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Please fill in the application form. You may contact us via email (), if you have any problems filling in the online application form.

Contact Details

Work Eligibility


University Education

Secondary Education

Work Experience

Tick this box if you have not undertaken any work experience

Use this section to describe all your work experience, including part-time or holiday jobs, and any industry placements. You should specify details of your employer, dates of employment, job title, main responsibilities and any experience you gained or skills you demonstrated that you feel are relevant to your application.

Technical Experience

Use this section to describe your technical experience such as programming languages, operating systems, hardware, databases etc. Give some indication of your level of proficiency in each. Include particular reference to your skills in C#/C++ and Java.

If you are claiming moderate or strong skills in a programming language, please explain how these were acquired, e.g. courses, work experience, personal projects.

A project you are proud of

With reference to some software that you have written, please answer the following with particular reference to your own activities. Bear in mind that we are interested in what you have learned from your own experiences rather than in text book answers:

Additional Questions


Eventually you will need to supply details of 2 or more references, at least one of which should be an academic referee from your university. We will not take up references without first obtaining your permission. This section does not need to be completed now.

Warning, you must complete the rest of the application before submitting

Summary of Sinara recruitment application

Please review your application and press the "Confirm and submit" button below when ready.

Personal Information

Work Eligibility



Secondary Education




Work Experience


Technical Experience

Other questions
